ITPI-IWES Karanganyar

Pelemkerep RT 07 RW 06 Tohudan, Colomadu
Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah (57173)

0271-725624 , 0271-7653408


Perum Merlion Square
Blok A No. 8 Tanjung Ucang, Batu Aji

0853 6433 3311 , 0812 7033 3311


Jl. Sunan Giri No. 5B Jakarta Timur
DKI Jakarta (13220)

ITPI / IWES Organization Profile

Ikatan Teknik Pengelasan Indonesia (ITPI – IWES), an independent professional association in the welding field, which was established based on deed dated 08 July 2003, number 1, made before Riena Sabrina, SH, Notary in Bandung, where the management is an industry professional owned business entity countries – BUMN and other Government Institutions (ITB, TRISAKTI, ITS, UI, IPTN, LIPI, Pertamina, INKA, B4T Bandung, Pindad, PUSRI, PAL, BBPT, NTP, KS).

ITPI – IWES has:

The main VISION is to create a prosperous Indonesian welding society. In line with this, ITPI – IWES believes that this will be achieved by improving the skills/competence of human resources (HR) involved in industrial activities, services, research & development, product creation/manufacturing.

MISSION is to produce and develop welding personnel who are professional, competitive and independent, as well as educating the public through awareness of the importance of implementing qualifications and quality welding products.


  1. Producing quality human resources through education and training at a cost
    affordable for all levels of Indonesian society.
  2. Building Special Standards for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Industry,
    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Transportation, etc
  3. Increasing Indonesian professional competence in the field of welding & NDT so that it can
    compete at national and international levels.
  4. Creation of good cooperative relations with the world of education, job training and
    industry. The relationships created are directed at information and technology exchange activities
    current affairs and experiences in the field.
  5. Opening up the widest possible work opportunities for Indonesian professional workers in the field
    welding and NDT work throughout the country.
  6. Helping the government reduce the level of unemployment in the country
  7. Helping to increase the income of the Republic of Indonesia through shipping
    professional workforce throughout Indonesia.


The targets of the ITPI – IWES work program, in general, are:

  1. Practitioner in the field of materials & process technology, welding and NDT (Non Destructive test).
  2. Students and female students for the development of young Indonesian researchers
  3. Educated personnel to be trained and given skills according to industry needs.
  4. Industries that operate are related to welding and NDT, both directly
    or indirectly.
  5. Productive people who are still not working/unemployed and can be given
    professional welding and NDT training to become productive assets.
    Community and industry-oriented work programs, especially small and medium industries, will have a positive impact on:

A. For the Community

  1. Build self-confidence that we are equal to other nations with qualifications
    and the same competencies
  2. Reducing the unemployment rate and increasing welfare.
  3. Open opportunities to increase competence and opportunities to work outside Country.
  4. Helping the government reduce the level of unemployment in the country.

B. For Industry

  1. Exchange of knowledge and experience, which is beneficial for development
  2. Quality human resources help industry face a competitive and business climate the company’s progress.
  3. Reducing the failure rate of product results in industries that are repeated periodically and produce quality products.

Organization Profile

Ketua Dewan Pembina

LAKSDA (Purn) J Ferdinand A Manengkei, SE


LAKSDA (Purn) J Ferdinand A Manengkei, SE

Ketua Penasehat

H. Ary Marjono


Toshiici Aota


Ir. Suwadi Suparlan, MME (Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB))

Senior Welding Instructor & Welding Engineer

Dewan Pembina

Dr. Ir. Milton Pakpahan, MM

Ketua Dewan Pakar

Ir. Parlindungan Batee

Dewan Pakar

Prof. Ir. Agus Priyono, PhD

Dewan Pengurus

1. Ketua Umum : Ir. FA. Manara Lodewijk Hutapea, W Eng

(PT. Banda Tiba)

Welder, Welding Specialist & Senior Welding Engineer

Wakil Ketua 1 :

Ir. Idham Chalid M.MT.Dipl.WE

2. Sekretaris Jenderal: Dipl Ing. Jozua Hutagalung, MSAE

Senior Lecturer & Welding Engineer

Ir. Andre Indrayana,

(Conoco Philips)

Welding Inspector & Welding Engineer

3. Bendahara : Purnama

(PT. Kreasi Utama Aerosupply)

Marketing Department

Bambang Efendi

(PT. Banda Tiba),

Welder, Technical

4. Pendanaan : Ir. Sastro Kuncung

(PT. Caltex Pacific Indonesia)

Senior Welding Engineer

Ir. MHD Syukri

(PT.Hitachi Construction Machinery Indonesia)

Senior Welding Engineer & Welding Inspector

5. Divisi R&D

Ka. Divisi : DR. Ir. Abdul Wahid M.Sc


Senior Lecturer & Welding Engineer

Wakil Ka. Divisi : DR. Ir. M. Zaed Yuliadi, M.Sc

(PT. PAL Indonesia),

Senior Welding Engineer

Ir. Tasik Ilmas, M.Sc


Welding Engineer

Ir. Achmad Arifin


Welding Inspector & Senior Welding Engineer

Ir. Agus Dida Gustiawan

(PT. Besmindo Borneo Semesta),

Senior Welding Engineer

DR. Budi Prawara


Specialist Thermal Spray Coating & Surface Engineering

6. Divisi Pelatihan/Training :

Ka. Divisi : Ir. Herry Supriyadi

(PT. Guna Nusa Utama Fabicator)

Welding Inspector & Senior Welding Engineer

Wakil Ka. Divisi : Ir. M Agus

Senior Welding Instructor & Welding Engineer

Ir. Charles SM. Siahaan

(PT. Dynnote),

Welding Specialist & Senior Project Coordinator

7. Divisi Material & Peralatan :

Ka. Divisi : Ir. Zulhadian


Welding Inspector & Senior Welding Engineer

Wakil Ka. Divisi : Ir. Agus Setyono

(Perkasa Engineering-Texmaco Kerawang)

Senior Welding Engineer

Ir. Danny Tresna Sanjaya

(PT. Indoneptune),

Welding Engineer

8. Divisi Teknologi Pengelasan :

Ka. Divisi : Ir. Budhi Rochman

(PT. Dirgantara Indonesia),

Senior Welding Engineer

Wakil Ka. Divisi : Ir. Agus Suprayitno, M.Eng.

(Perkasa Engineering- Subang)

Senior Welding Engineer

Alfred AE, BE

(PT. Nusantara Turbine & Propulsion)

Welding Inspector

9. Divisi QA & QC :

Ka. Divisi : Ir. Sujaswin F.H. Samosir


Senior Lecturer & Welding Inspector

Wakil Ka. Divisi : Ir. Idham Chalid M

(PT Rekayasa Industri),

Welding Engineer

Ir. Bisono

(PT. Krakatau Daya Listrik-KS),

Senior Welding Engineer

Barkah Sanyoto, BE


Senior Welding Inspector & Senior Welding Engineer

10. Divisi Hub. Luar & Informasi :

Ka. Divisi : Abidin A Mursidi,

(PT. Lloyd’s Register)

Welding Inspector, Senior Welding Engineer

Wakil Ka. Divisi : Jozua Hutagalung, Dipl Ing, MSAE

(PT. General Electric/GE)

Welding Specialist

Yesmet S Yulian

(PT. Tjokro Bersaudara Batamindo)

Senior Welding Inspector

Ir. Aditya Kumara, MBA (Mabes-AL),

Welding Engineer

11. Welding Inspector Kordinator: Ir. Idil Dharma P, (PT. Bp)

Senior Welding Inspector

12. Welder & Welding Supervisor Kordinator: Lamio,

(PT. ANI- Aerospace)

Senior Welder & Welding Supervisor

13. Head of IWES in BATAM : Ready Wibowo Soenardi

(PT. Banda Tiba)

14. Head of IWES in SULAWESI: Ir. Idham Chalid M

(PT. Rekayasa Industri/ REKIN)

15. Head of IWES in EAST JAVA: Barkah Sanyoto, BE


16. Head of IWES in Middle of JAVA: Ir. Mangaratua Siahaan, MSc

(Institut Las Teknik Surakarta)

17. Head of IWES in Kalimantan: Ir. Ardian Fandika


18. Head of IWES in Medan: Purwanto

(PT. Baja Agung Kharisma Utama)

19. JAKARTA WELDER COMMUNITY: Ir. Endah Prananegoro